Orchard Purchase – Hawkes Bay

Tena koutou katoa
He mihi tenei ki nga uri o Tukairangi
I a matou e whakamura nei i nga ahi o te wa kainga
Tena tatou katoa

Greetings and blessings to all of our whanau.  I hope your time over the Christmas break with your families and friends has been enjoyable.

 I write on behalf of the trustees to inform you our owners that the Trust has submitted an offer for a 66 hectare kiwifruit orchard of gold G3 in Napier which was successful. The final settlement date is in late February this year.

 Many of you would have seen various news articles relating to that purchase and wondered how and what has happened. As a result we have decided to send out this update.

 At the Annual General Meeting last year in October 2016, I raised the need for our Trust to look strategically at growing our assets without using our Maori land blocks in Matapihi.  We have also been able to work closely with our subsidiary  Tukairangi Investments Ltd to see what we can do.  The outcome as you now know, in this short time is the new orchard acquisition.

 The purchase consists of 4 orchards located generally within the same area in Taradale, Napier.  Over the next month, the immediate next actions are to appoint a new orchard manager and confirm all of the other necessary matters to progress the completion of the acquisition. 

 It will be an exciting year, which as a result of the purchase will see our orchard canopy area more than double in size and our asset base increase as a direct result.  Whilst we will need to keep a very close eye on progress in the first few years, we are keen and eager to ensure our acquisition works for us all and our Trust continues to grow and prosper. 

 Nga manaakitanga o te wa

Ratahi Cross

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