Spray Control

Ngai Tukairangi Trust has implemented SprayWatch a fully automated messaging system to inform neighbouring property owners prior to the spraying of agrichemicals. It is all about providing timely messages about spraying within the orchard. Justin Pewhairangi is employed as our spraying supervisor responsible for ensuring the correct application, storage, recording and notification of spraying operations.

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Heretaunga Trustee Visit

The Trustees visited the Heretaunga, Hawkes Bay Operation this June. The Trustees toured the orchard and enjoyed morning tea with the team, taking the opportunity

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Orchard Purchase – Hawkes Bay

The purchase consists of 4 orchards located generally within the same area in Taradale, Napier. Over the next month, the immediate next actions are to appoint a new orchard manager and confirm all of the other necessary matters to progress the completion of the acquisition.

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