Executive Team

Stacey Smith
Financial Controller | Kaihautū Pūtea

Stacey has been the Financial Controller since 2022. Her role entails managing the financial activities of the Ngāi Tukairangi Group, made up of financial planning and forecasting, as well as reporting to the board, funding partners, senior managers, and our owners at our AGM. She has held various accounting roles within the primary sector over her thirty-year career, as both a chartered accountant and a member of the Chartered Accountants Institute of Australia and New Zealand. Stacey graduated with a Bachelor of Business Studies from Massey University, and is now on a mission to achieve a Level 5 Diploma in Te Reo Māori with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

She also comes with extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector, in particular, preparing financials for various kura, her marae in Taranaki, and Swim Rotorua. Stacey is passionate about advancing Māori initiatives to ensure we are global leaders in providing innovative approaches to managing resources in preparation for the environmental and socio-political challenges of the future.

Andrew Wood
General Manager - Orchards

Andrew is the General Manager of Orchards. He joined our Trust in October 2017 as the Regional Orchard Manager for the Bay of Plenty operations, Andrew’s experience spans a career beginning in 1982, having moved to Te Moana-a-Toi from Taranaki. Since then, he has held various positions at all levels of the industry, including contracting and post-harvest facility management.

Andrew is particularly passionate about organics, and as a previous orchard owner and lessee of kiwifruit, avocado and tamarillo operations, his knowledge stretches across to wider parts of the horticultural industry. Over the few years, Andrew has focussed on lifting orchard gate returns, improving relationships with contractors, and developing strategies for securing reliable labour to drive the orchard forward. Andrew made a significant contribution to building the relationship with the Nuku Village in Fiji, which subsequently formed our first RSE delegation.