Trust Beginnings

Ngāi Tukairangi Trust emerged from the threat of urbanisation on the Matapihi peninsula, with a clear vision to retain and develop the land to better meet the needs of our people.

Our tīpuna amalgamated land blocks from the Matapihi Ohuki Trust and smaller whānau owned blocks to form Ngāi Tukairangi Trust.

Led by Turirangi Te Kani, the trust was established in the early 1980’s. Originally a bare block, the land was developed with the support of the Department of Māori Affairs, under part 24 of the Māori Affairs Act.

Guided by the first chair Turirangi Te Kani and trustees Mahaki Ellis, Toa Faulkner, Lincoln Smith, Wiparera Te Kani and Pokai Waiari, the trust ventured into the kiwifruit industry.

Since this time Ngāi Tukairangi Trust has grown to be one of the leading Māori owned trusts within New Zealand. Whilst our core business remains in kiwifruit, the trust diversified in 2014 with the beginning of subsidiary company Tukairangi Investments.

Koro Turi
Turirangi Te Kani