To improve the collective skill set of Ngai Tukairangi people through the pursuit and the completion of tertiary qualifications.
General, although preference may be given to horticultural
and trade studies.
Must be studying Diploma, Trade Certification, Bachelors
Degree, Masters Degree, Doctoral Degree or a specialist area
of study.
Applicants may re-apply for the periods;
- Trade Certificates (1 year per certificate),
- Diploma (3 years maximum),
- Bachelors (3-5 years maximum depending on type of
degree), - Masters (2 years maximum),
- Doctorate (4 years maximum) or
- Specialist area of study, (1-3 years dependent on area of
Tertiary Education Grant: Variable up to $3,000
Tertiary Excellence Scholarship: $5,000
The successful applicant of the Scholarship will not receive a Tertiary Education
Grant and must attend the Ngai Tukairangi Trust AGM 2023